An extraordinary finding-game was deployed alongside the “Campo Grande” Parkin the very heart of Valladolid city. Two teams faced up that challenge –both Team 1 and Team 2 showed their mettled, cunning and brightness. Quick movements and consciousness were the tendency of their leaders. Jojo y Arturo had a deep awareness of what they were doing, such a perfect knowledgement of the entire place where the game was developed. Pablo y David followed the clues striding up and down the whole Park. Furthermore they got some information about the hidding places asking passer-by for. The Treasure, as a mater of fact, was hidden where a Pirate had done so, in a Pirate Ship of course. At last those who were very observant got the prize and the more they seek they better they do, in this way Álvaro J. –specially gifted that time with a pertinent judgment found the Trasure – eventhough whoever would be the lucky. The booty was shared at Tempero´s head office- As the time drew closer once at Tempero a 3x3 football event was played in the Squash Board. From this Redaction we´re most grateful for Nacho, Rodri and Jorge collaboration.